Thursday, November 14, 2013

Uniquely You!

Something that's been really bugging me lately is people's obsession over being like everyone else. People grow up today being surrounded by how they should look, dress, and act. I've dealt with insecurities before, and, even to this day, I still struggle with it. I've always wondered why I can't have curves, why I'm so long and lankey, or why I'm not as bold as some people. I need to remember that God made me unique and special. I am one of a kind created by the Almighty Creator and so are you! I'm not saying you can't change some things at all. I'm saying look at your motives for change. Make sure that it's something that you are comfortable with and not something you feel pressured to do. God has a purpose for you. He made you the way you are for a reason. Seek out his purpose. Find your beauty in Christ.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's Thanksgiving Everyday?! Say What?!?!

Generally, people don't express their thankfulness until the good ol month of November. However, tonight, the Lord has really shown me the blessings he has placed in my life.

First and foremost, I'm thankful that God pursues me even when I try to turn my back on him. He's always pouring His love onto me and always calling me back to Him. My God's love is unconditional. I couldn't express how thankful I am through words. What a blessing!

I'm very thankful for my family. I have a fairly large family. 4 older sisters! Although we may not get along all the time (however, I feel like this doesn't really happen much now that we're grown haha) I absolutely love my sisters. They are always here to help me and support me in the things I dream of! I know that I can always go to them with anything. They will walk by my side and offer as much help as they can! Let's not forget my mom. She has shown me what a strong woman looks like. She has had a fairly rough life, but she has strived to giver "her girls" the best life possibly, even if it means working her butt off! For that I am truly thankful.

I'm thankful my sweet boyfriend! What a blessing he is! He shows me so much love even when I don't deserve it (I can be a grouch at times :P). He's constantly teaching me! He's honest with me. He encourages me in many ways: school, God, work, etc. He has given his heart, and I have given him mine. I trust him to hold it well and help it grow. I couldn't be more blessed!

I'm thankful for my sweet friends. The Lord has granted me with so many friends. Old ones. New ones. Some more like sisters. I love to laugh and joke, but I also love knowing I have friends who will drop everything to help me. Some of my sweet friends are more like mentors. They drench me with wisdom! I pray I can an equally amazing friend!

Finally, I'm thankful for my work and school. Although, these may be things I dread sometimes, I try to remember not everyone has these same opportunities. I thought that my passion was only for children (hence I'm gonna be a teacher!), but working with teenagers, I've realized I love them just as much. They have taught me so much: mainly by reminding me what kind of model I need to be.

So, I know this is pretty random, but hey! When the Lord speaks, ya gotta do it!
I hope you can take the time today to just sit back and think of your blessing!
Everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday!  :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We are Family! :)

About a year and a half ago, my mom told me that she had a brother who she just got in touch with over FaceBook. She would call him and talk to him all the time! He lives in Arizona.
I was very skeptical about him at first. For all I knew, he could be some crazy man or something (bear, monster :P).
After about a year, my Uncle Bob decided he would make a trip from Arizona to good ol Alabama for my sister's college graduation! By this time, I had added him on Facebook myself and talked to him a bit! I was super stoked!
My Uncle and Mom are related on their dad's side of the family. Now, I never met my Grandpa because he past away long before I was born. However, from the descriptions of my Grandpa my mom gave to me growing up, I knew, from the interactions on Facebook and conversations on the phone, my Uncle would remind me alot of my Grandpa! And he most certainly does! He looks just like him!
My uncle is so stinkin cool, yall! And that may sound corny, but it's so true! He plays guitar and harmonica (He's in a band back in Arizona)! He super funny and loves to goof off! He loves playing with the kids! He's just an awesome guy all around. It was such a joy and pleasure to meet him!
Also, as an AWESOME surprise, my cousin Haley (Uncle Bob's daughter) decided to join him! I also added Haley on Facebook and talked to her a bit on the phone before she came too! We were all under the impression that she couldn't come because she's getting MARRIED in October! But she decided kinda last minute to come! Best. Surprise. Ever. Hands. Down!
Haley is such a cool cat! She loves to have fun and is really down to earth. I learned that she's also very creative! She reminds me a lot of my sister Sammy! Haley left today, but it's like I've known her forever! She was only here for 4 days, but anyone could tell she was family just by the way she fit in! She's just as awesome as her dad! :)
All in all, I love the new additions to my family! I have a huge family already, but we've definitely got room for more! I absolutely love my family, and I'm so grateful for all of them, even the ones I haven't met yet! I had a blast with my uncle and cousin, and I know it won't be long til I see them again!
Ta-ta for now!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Who's time is it anyway?

Well, school is over! I've finally completed my Junior year of college!  Woohoo! In just a year and a couple of months, I will be standing in front of lots of beautiful faces, teaching, guiding, and helping them during my internship! I. Can't. Wait! :D
I learned this semester just how bad procrastinating is! This has probably been my worst semester of school. The classes I took were very interesting and weren't bad at all! I just didn't do my work. I was tired a lot and cranky! Most of my time was spent on Netflix, which I really need to delete!
I need to remember that the time I have is from God! I know he has chosen me to be a teacher. Should I really be wasting my time watching stuff on TV that doesn't pertain to my life at all? My time would be much better spent putting energy into things that God has called me to do.
My time management skills have got to improve! I enjoy being organized and on top of things, and I hate being rushed! I always say that I work well under pressure, but in the process I lose all my marbles!
I know I need to work on my time management! I say that at the end of every semester of school. I really hope my summer semester turns out much better than this past semester. This time is not mine, but God's. I need to be a better steward of the time He has given me!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just Girly Things: Maybelline Liquid Eyeliner

So, I've never been a huge fan of eyeliner. I used to wear it on my bottom water line all the time, but I haven't done that in a while.
I was watching this Youtube video of a girl I follow, and she mentioned the new Maybelline Liquid Eyeliner duo. In her review, she explained that it was easy to apply. So I was at Target one day (when am I not though :P) and I found this product for $7, which is decently priced for a makeup product in my opinion. I came home, tried it, and loved it!
It really is super easy to apply, and I've never used liquid eyeliner before. You can wear it with or without eyeshadow and it looks just fine. The consistancy of it is perfect. Not too runny but not too sticky. And, my favorite part, it stays on ALL DAY! woot!
So, if you haven't tried it, you should totally check it out!


PS: I am kinda a girly girl, so ocassionally I will post something in Just Girly Things :)

Also, I'm really interested in trying the colored eyeliners now. I'm a plain jane though... dare to be bold? haha

Friday, January 18, 2013

Water you drinking?

So, today, as I was drinking probably my 4th or 5th glass of sweet tea, I got to thinking how much I LOVE sweet tea! I'm a Southerner. Sweet tea is one of the only things I drink. I used to drink a lot of soda, but in the past couple of years, I've learned that soda just doesn't suffice when one has sweet tea! On average, my family drinks about a gallon of sweet tea per day. That being said, I have a rather large family; yet, that's still a lot! Think about how much money you would spend if you drank that much milk a day! D: Ok! Back to focus, Brittani!
So, I was sitting there thinking how about how much I love sweet tea when I realized I don't drink nearly as much water as I should. Sweet tea is my water.
I often take water for granted. It's just something that I have. Nice, fresh, clean water. Straight from the faucet. Or bottled... whatever your preference.
Ok, now let's see if you can keep up with my thought process.
1. K-Love is a radio station I listen to, and they are doing a 30 day challenge to listen to nothing but Christian music for 30 days.
2. That reminded me of the challenge Way-FM, another radio station, did to drink nothing but water for 30 days.
3. I decided that I'm gonna try really hard to almost drink nothing but water for 30 days..... almost?
well because I love sweet tea, I'm allowing myself one glass of sweet tea per week, on each Saturday.
There are so many in this world who would kill to have the water that I can so readily drink here. Yet, I treat it like it's useless because I have soooooo many other options. I really want to take this time and just remember how fortunate I am and how much God has blessed me even through drinking just a clean, fresh, cold cup of water.
So, whoever is reading this, hold me accountable! I've tried and failed before. Don't want that to happen again! :)

Brittani :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Who's your favorite?

Carrie Underwood....
I would say, "If you've never heard her, go listen to her!", but there's a high chance that most people have heard her because she's pretty darn awesome!
Why do I like Carrie Underwood?
A. She has an amazing voice! 4th season winner of American Idol! She rocked that show from the beginning!
B. Her lyrics are, for the most part, meaningful and not stupid.
C. I like her genre of music!
I have yet to hear a song by her that I don't like. And I have her as a Pandora station, so I hear lots of new songs I've never heard by her! I've been listening to her since I was maybe fourteen!
Lately, a few of my favorite songs by her are the following:
Blown Away
Temporary Home
Cowboy Casonova
Look at Me

So just a little insight about me! :)
If you haven't listened to her much, you should totally check her out! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Unconditional Love

"I am the thorn in Your crown, but You love me anyway
I am the sweat from Your brow, but You love me anyway 
I am the nail in Your wrist, but You love me anyway
I am Judas's kiss, but You love me anyway"

These are lyrics to one of my favorite songs, You Love Me Anyway by Sidewalk Prophets. I heard this song on my way home from work this evening, and this song just always reminds me of the love that God has for me. I'm not, in any way, perfect. I screw up. My thoughts aren't always pleasing to God. I don't always share the love of God. I've turned my back on God and told him I was done. Even with all the disrespect I've shown Him, he stills loves me? That's something that I will never understand, but it's awesome!!! God showers me with new mercies each morning no matter what I've done the day before. I know that I serve a God of forgiveness! There's nothing that I can do or anyone can do that can take away the love of God because Our God is just that AWESOME!! God promises to NEVER leave me nor forsake me... and God doesn't break His promises :) (He's a promise maker, not a promise breaker. I know: corny, but hey! what can I say? haha :P) 
To end, I'll share a verse that just came to me, but that I studied at Passion with my awesome family group :)

Ephesians 3: 17-19 (ESV)
So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith -- that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

And that last part gets me every time. "That you may be filled with the fullness of God." Am I even worthy of that? By all means, NO! But God loves me just that much :)