Well, school is over! I've finally completed my Junior year of college! Woohoo! In just a year and a couple of months, I will be standing in front of lots of beautiful faces, teaching, guiding, and helping them during my internship! I. Can't. Wait! :D
I learned this semester just how bad procrastinating is! This has probably been my worst semester of school. The classes I took were very interesting and weren't bad at all! I just didn't do my work. I was tired a lot and cranky! Most of my time was spent on Netflix, which I really need to delete!
I need to remember that the time I have is from God! I know he has chosen me to be a teacher. Should I really be wasting my time watching stuff on TV that doesn't pertain to my life at all? My time would be much better spent putting energy into things that God has called me to do.
My time management skills have got to improve! I enjoy being organized and on top of things, and I hate being rushed! I always say that I work well under pressure, but in the process I lose all my marbles!
I know I need to work on my time management! I say that at the end of every semester of school. I really hope my summer semester turns out much better than this past semester. This time is not mine, but God's. I need to be a better steward of the time He has given me!
SO every time youre not doing your work, youre gonna reread this post to yourself, right? :P love you. and love the passion you have for your calling. :)